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Sunday, January 13, 2008


Maybe He's Larry Craig's Muse

I need to make tally marks on the sidebar of this blog. Yet another conservative Republican has been arrested for trying to have gay sex in a public restroom. I'll let the first paragraph of a report by The Times-Picayune give you the facts.

"St. Bernard Parish Councilman Joey DiFatta, who on Thursday withdrew from the 1st Senate District campaign, has been stopped twice since 1996 for suspicion of engaging in lewd behavior in public restrooms in Jefferson Parish, records obtained by The Times-Picayune show."

Two words are key here. Those words are "stopped twice." I encourage you to read the entire article. In one arrest, you'll note some striking similarities with the routine that got the now infamous Larry Craig in trouble.

"The report said DiFatta slid his foot into the deputy's stall and tapped the deputy's foot. In the report, Conley noted that such activity is common among men to indicate a willingness to participate in sex.

The deputy inside the stall, Detective Wayne Couvillion, responded by tapping his foot, and DiFatta reached under the partition and began to rub the deputy's leg, the report states."

It's no surprise that DiFatta withdrew from the now finished Senate race. It's also no surprise that he blamed his health, and not his arrests, for his decision to withdraw. It's all so typical of those closet-dwelling, hypocritical Republicans.

With DiFatta's toe-tapping arrest having been made in March 2000, and his frequent trips to Washington since 2005, it's worth asking if he ever ran into Craig. It's also worth asking if he taught Craig some of that fancy footwork.

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