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Tuesday, January 02, 2007


GOP Sex Suit

This blog has previously chronicled the steamy writings of horny Republicans. Since most of the people discussed in that post are pretty old, it follows that they would turn the old medium of book publishing to...um...expose their fantasies.

That same group of dirty old men (and women) did all of this while piously claiming to be the defenders of virtue and purity. They then tried to hang Democrat Jim Webb for similarly steaming up his own prose. In addition to the painfully obvious hypocrisy, the GOPers were comparing apples to oranges. They were spilling the contents of their oh so virtuous minds on paper while Webb was reporting what he saw on the battlefield, but as John Kerry can attest, that wouldn't be the first time Republicans have criticized what Democrats have actually done in actual battle while they watched from the sidelines.

All of that is not the point of this post, however. This post concerns the latest bit of naughty Republican writing. As reported by the Associated Press, two GOP staffers find themselves on opposite sides of a break-up and a lawsuit.

"When Robert Steinbuch discovered his girlfriend had discussed intimate details about their sex life in her online diary, the Capitol Hill staffer didn't just get mad. He got a lawyer.

"...a former aide to Sen. Mike DeWine, an Ohio Republican, says she created the blog in 2004 to keep a few friends up to date on her social life. Like a digital version of the sex-themed banter from a 'Sex and the City' episode, Cutler described the thrill and tribulations of juggling sexual relationships with six men.

"One of those men was Steinbuch, a counsel to DeWine on the Judiciary Committee. Cutler called him the 'current favorite' and said he resembled George Clooney, liked spanking and disliked condoms."

So, the new generation of racy Republicans is turning to "The Inernets" and "The Google" to publish their smut. I wonder what the GOP-loving tort reform crowd thinks of the lawsuit.

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