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Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Calling Your Senator

Anyone who's ever tried to call Kay Bailey Hutchison about anything knows that you'll never actually get to talk to the Senior Senator from Texas. To be fair, the same is probably true of most Senators.

With her Democratic opponent, Barbara Ann Radnofsky, however, the opposite is true. As reported by the Agonist, "those that called Radnofsky actually talked to her, as the [e-mail] had accidentally included her personal cell number (oops). But Radnofsky was ecstatic about it. She took over 200 calls from people concerned about net neutrality and how the telco cartel was fighting this in Congress."

The Agonist asks a very good question. "Would Kay Bailey do the same thing? More importantly, will she do the right thing?"

Meanwhile, and as calls to have an exchange mount, Hutchison still refuses to debate Radnofsky.

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