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Monday, January 30, 2006


This Week's Top Ten Conservative Idiots

With Geraldo River's stunning inability to read the newspaper fresh on the brain, it's time to catch up with This Week's Top Ten Conservative Idiots.

In this week's edition, we see two items that should promote outrage, but in today's so-called liberal media climate, won't get much further than this blog.

First, President Bush doesn't want Congress to see reports and documents generated by the White House just days prior to the strike of Hurricane Katrina. Bush once told ABC's Diane Sawyer that "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." The report he doesn't want Congress to see proves that to be bullshit.

Second, Ann Coulter is at it again. The same woman who once wrote that "much of the left's hate speech bears greater similarity to a psychological disorder than to standard political discourse," told a group of college students in Arkansas that "we need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee."

Just to confirm: it's hate speech if we call the President on his lies, but it's not hate speech to advocate the assassination of a Supreme Court Justice. I'm glad we could clear that up.

Better late than never, I also give you last week's list.

In some good news, angry readers made the allegedly liberal Washington Post eat their words about Democratic consumption at Jack Abramoff's trough.

Also, White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan is once again choosing which "ongoing criminal investigations" he will and will not comment on. Perhaps he's gearing up to do lots of double speak on his mother's behalf. Look for more on that later.

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