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Sunday, November 06, 2005


The Shining Light Of Christianity (#2)

With this state's constitutional amendment election on Tuesday, and with the anniversary of Luther's Reformation one week behind us, it's a shame how some so-called Christians are making a mockery of their own religion.

As reported by the Austin American-Statesman:

Ten men and four women calling themselves members of the American White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan gathered at City Hall plaza Saturday for a brief and hugely contested rally against gay marriage.

The group came to Austin from their home in San Angelo, Texas. According to their hometown newspaper, the group's existence is a surprise to many in that community.

Before anyone of the Christian faith gets too self-righteous about why the Klan was in Austin yesterday, consider what the group's leader said. ''We're asking Texans to support Proposition 2 because God supports it.

That's the same kind of language the conservative Republican authors and supporters of Proposition 2 use at their own rallies. Like it or not, many who call themselves Christians are in the same boat as a group who is anything but Christ-like.

sadly, i know more people like that than i should. its pothethic that people still stoop to any measure they can find to discriminate. how is two guys or two women getting married going to hurt anyone. answer: its not.
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