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Saturday, September 03, 2005


Liberalism At Its Finest

A number of liberal organizations are working to aid the victims of Katrina.

Moveon.org has set up a website connecting refugees to housing opportunities. People all over the country have used the site to open up their homes.

Air America Radio's Public Voicemail is a way for disconnected people to communicate in the wake of Katrina. Hurricane victims can call the toll-free number, enter their every day phone number, and record a message. Displaced friends and family who know a victim's everyday phone number (even if it doesn't work anymore) can call Public Voicemail, enter the phone number they associate with a lost loved one, and hear their message. Victims can also search for messages left by people whose phone numbers they know. Air America Radio will leave Public Voicemail in service for as long as this crisis continues. It can be called whenever victims are trying to locate someone, or if they are trying to be found.

Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Chris Bell is asking his contributors to give to the Houston Food Bank instead of his campaign. Houston is currently home to thousands of hurricane refugees.

The Dallas County Democratic Party will be collecting monetary donations and consumer goods for the Hurricane Relief Effort at their annual Labor Day Picnic. Dallas is also home to thousands of hurricane refugees.

The Texas Democratic Party announced Wednesday that all donations it receives will go to Hurricane victims, rather than the party's coffers.

I will continue to post other examples as time allows.

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