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Tuesday, April 19, 2005


A New Pope, But Still No Moral Authority

Even with today's selection of Benedict XVI (and in part, because of that selection), I believe the Catholic Church still has a long way to go before it will carry any moral authority. It may not ever again have moral authority.

Why? I'll give you three of my concerns:

The Catholic church is a really big glass house, and they like to throw stones.

In his memoirs, he wrote of being enrolled in Hitler's Nazi youth movement against his will when he was 14 in 1941, when membership was compulsory. He says he was soon let out because of his studies for the priesthood.
Ed, dont you understand? Unless someone worships at the altar of Melder they are evil.

Protecting confessed pedophiles by moving them overseas is indeed evil. If you disagree, you are also evil.
Mmmmm once again Daniel can not find a context ans stay with it. The comments here were geared toward the Nazi Youth thing. And no Danny boy, no one here is advocating protecting child molestors. I say child molestors should be put to death. A quick and certain death.

Read my original post. Two of my three complaints with the Catholic church deal with the sexual abuse of children.

But, since you want to keep this about the Nazi party, fine. That is also evil. Forced or not, service in the Nazi party is evil. John Paul fought it, Ratzinger did not. Involvement with Nazis is evil. If you disagree, you are also evil.
Your flaw about John Paul is that he didn't grow up in Germany during the Hitler years. He was in Poland. Pope Benedict (mind you, a mere child) had no choice but to join the Hitler Youth as all youth had to. However, Benedict was quickly able to get out of it by studying for the priesthood. Later when he was forced to join the German military he simply deserted the army. It is funny that folks like you get so upset over this...but yet...the papers in Jerusalem and Israel have stated that no one should hold the Hitler youth thing against Benedict. These are the people who actually suffered under Hitler and yet they recognize that Benedict had no choice about the Hitler Youth and they note he never has even been accused of war crimes. They note he has a good track record when it comes to dealing with the Jewish people. You liberals seem to want to get offended on behalf of people who just aren't offended. You mention John Paul...well let us not forget that Benedict was Jon Paul's right hand man...John Paul saw in Benedict someone he could trust and did not see someone who was an anti-Semite. Perhaps you should actually try to think things through before saying dumb stuff; although it appears to be a habit of yours to say stupid things. But then...I guess it easier to just hate and rant than think isn't it Danny boy?
No matter how hard you try to sugar coat the truth, Joe, two facts remain:

1. Ratzinger was a nazi.
2. The former nazi is still protecting pedophiles.

That's evil twice over in my book, and it strips the Catholic church of all moral authority in my eyes. And like it or not, that's what matters most on this blog...how I see things.
How you see things my matter on this blog...but not in the real world. Again...thanks for the non-response to my post. Your positions are are really weak Danny boy.
Danny boy here has called Pope Benedict XVI a nazi. Well...how do the Jewish view this pope? Check out what the Jerusalem Post had to say:

"The choice of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger as the new pope on Tuesday, Jewish religious leaders say, is a sign that the warming ties initiated by Pope John Paul II between the Vatican and Jews will continue..."This continuity will be reflected in Catholic-Jewish relations. He has a deep commitment to this issue. And his own national background makes him sensitive to the dangers of anti-Semitism and the importance of Jewish-Catholic reconciliation," said Rosen, the international director of interreligious affairs for the American Jewish Committee...In one indication of his respect for Judaism, Ratzinger authorized in 2002 the publication of a report that stated that "the Jewish messianic wait is not in vain." That document also expressed regret that certain passages in the Christian Bible condemning individual Jews have been used to justify anti-Semitism...."

For the full article check out the link below. Seems the Jewish people dont consider him a nazi but rather someone who supports the Jewish people.

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