Monday, March 28, 2005
Bad Taste
- Carrying bottled water and loaf bread to a woman who can't eat.
- Raising money to send a pizza and blender to a hospice where a woman is dying.
- Blocking access to a hospice and causing a family to arrive one minute after their loved one has passed.
- Forcing a Circuit Court Judge to leave his Southern Baptist congregation and live with armed guards.
- Causing an elementary school to close for at least a week.
These are just some of the things protestors in front of Terri Schiavo's hospice have done in the last week. Conservative Republican protestors.
On a related note, Michael Schiavo (Terri's husband) has asked and the Pinellas County Chief Medical Examiner has agreed to perform a full autopsy. The coroner will use his entire staff for the procedure and publicly release the report. Michael Schiavo is taking this extraordinary step to again prove the Conservative Republicans wrong. They've accused him of abusing Terri and causing her condition. The autopsy will also prove just how brain dead Terri is. As MRIs from the late 1990s indicate, where there was once cerebral tissue there is now liquid.